Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


54 Fairmount Avenue 
Chatham, NJ 07928

Planning, Zoning, & Construction



Chatham Borough
54 Fairmount Avenue
Chatham, NJ 07928
8am - 4pm Monday - Friday


Melanie Politi, Zoning Officer 973-635-0674 x 231

Inquiries concerning zoning and land disturbance matters, including reviews for HVAC, signage, fences, driveways, fences, patios and sheds, building height, lot coverage, building setbacks & bulk requirements and for zoning permits, are all handled by the Chatham Borough Zoning office.


Van Cleef Engineering
David C. Battaglia, PE, CME, CFM, CPWM
Senior Professional Engineer, Assistant Zoning Officer
Melanie Politi - Engineer's Assistant 973-635-0674 x 231



 Construction Information

All Zoning & Engineer reviews are performed by Chatham Borough.


The Madison Building Department handles the processing & issuance of building and construction permits for Chatham Borough property owners and their contractors and schedules all subcode inspections. Construction Permit payments are made out to Borough of Madison.

Phone: 973-593-3064

Borough of Madison

50 Kings Road

Madison, NJ 07940


Chatham Borough Zoning Applications must accompany all permits requiring zoning approval.  Please make the check out to Chatham Borough.  

CHATHAM BOROUGH property owners can check the status of their construction permits 24/7 on the SDL Construction Permit Portal. [First-time users must register and create an account]

 CCO Information

CCO inspections are handled by 
Hillary Singer, Assistant to the Borough Clerk
973-635-0674 ext.210 

The application process time for CCO applications is two-three weeks from the date the application is submitted not including time and time of inspection. 

▪ All CCO application require ALL open permits to closed and ALL utilities to be current. 
▪ Once all permits are closed and utilities are current, the inspection will be schedule. 
▪ The Certificate of Continued Occupancy (CCO) will be issued at the time the Clerk’s Office has received the completed & signed inspection checklist and proof that all construction permits have been closed.