54 Fairmount Avenue
Chatham, NJ 07928
If you have any suggestions for improving the daily parking experience, or to leave a message in the general email box of the Parking Enforcement Unit, use parking@chathampd.org
The Borough has several parking lots designated for shoppers and residents. The following is a list of the lots and locations:
Bowers Lane - located near the Post Office, this lot is used for shoppers, business and apartment tenant parking. Parking is free with a maximum time limit of three hours. No time restriction for permit holders or daily permit holders.
Post Office Plaza - Parking is free with a maximum time limit of three hours, except the four spaces closest to the Post Office Building, which shall have a maximum limit of 15 minutes.
Center Street East - located adjacent to the Chatham Community Players, off of North Passaic Avenue. This lot is used for shoppers, business and apartment tenant parking. Parking is free with a maximum time limit of three hours, Monday through Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. No time restriction for permit holders.
Center Street West – located adjacent to Rotary Park. This lot is used for shoppers, business and apartment tenant parking. Parking is free with a maximum time limit of three hours, Monday through Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. No time restriction for permit holders.
The annual parking permit fee for the above-referenced parking lots is $290.00 for resident permits; $255.00 for business permits.
To apply for a business/tenant permit for the Bowers Lane, Center Street East or West Lots, pick up an application on the Main Level, room 205, of the Borough Hall at 54 Fairmount Avenue, Chatham, New Jersey, 07928 or call (973) 635-0674 extension 214 to have one mailed, emailed or download the parking application.
For Train Schedule Information, click on the NJ Transit logo
Railroad Plaza North (Parking Lot 1) and Railroad Plaza South (Parking Lot 2) - Parking Permits for the Chatham Borough Railroad Station are available to Chatham Borough residents only at a yearly cost of $600.00. At the present time, there is a waiting list for Railroad Plaza North and Railroad Plaza South Parking Permits.
Enforcement Hours:
The hours of enforcement for the train station parking lot is 7 am and 4 pm, Monday through Friday, except on weekends and holidays.
Special Situations:
We understand that occasionally there will be times in which individuals will realize that they forgot to hang their parking permit tag in the vehicle. As a courtesy, please email the Parking Unit at parking@chathampd.org to advise the Parking Enforcement Officers of your situation. If you do not have access to email, you can call the Parking Unit at 973-635-8000, extension 253.
Occasionally, individuals are unable to return to Chatham and need to leave their vehicle in the train station parking lot for more than a day. If you should find yourself in this situation, here are several options available to you.
If there is someone at home that can come to the station, they can either remove the vehicle or pay the daily fee for the space.
To request another option, please email the Parking Unit at parking@chathampd.org to advise the Parking Enforcement Unit of the situation.
If you have a Park Mobile account, you can pay the daily fee for the space. Park Mobile is an app that gives you the ability to pay for your parking space through your smart phone or computer. To register go to http://www.parkmobile.com or click on the Park Mobile logo.
Railroad Plaza North Parking Lot spaces are in zone 7801
Railroad Plaza South Parking Lot spaces are in zone 7802
New residents to Chatham Borough wishing to be added to the waiting list must contact the Utilities Clerk at (973) 635-0674 extension 214.
Individuals can either pick up a waiting list application at Borough Hall, Main Level, Room 205, 54 Fairmount Avenue, Chatham or download the application. The application can be returned by mail or emailed to the Utilities Clerk at cmorris@chathamborough.org . Proof of residency is required at the time of application in the form of a utility bill mailed to you within the past 30 days. A copy of this utility bill must accompany your application.
When a Train Station Parking permit becomes available, you will be notified by the Utilities Clerk who will mail you a Train Station Parking permit along with such notification. If you have any questions, please call (973) 635-0674 extension 214.
Metered parking is available to the general public at a fee of $8.00 per day. All metered spaces are numerically marked in white and exact change should be deposited in the parking meter on the platform and the space number should be entered. A receipt will be issued as proof of payment.
The parking meters will accept coins, dollar bills, most debit and credit cards, (Not American Express) and the new Chatham Borough Smartcard. The parking meter will be collecting the daily rate of $8.00 Please be advised that these machines will not give change, therefore be prepared with coins or dollar bills.
If you encounter problems with the parking meters, please contact the Chatham Borough Police Department at 973-635-8000 extension 256 or send an email to the Parking Enforcement Unit at parking@chathampd.org
Park Mobile is an app that gives you the ability to pay for your parking space through your smart phone or computer.
If after 9:00 am, Monday through Friday, there are no daily paid parking spaces available, but there are a number of open permit spaces, you can obtain a daily parking permit to park in a vacant permit space. Individuals can purchase a daily parking permit for $8.00 from the Utilities Clerk in room 205 of the Municipal Building located at 54 Fairmount Avenue.
Return your permits when you move for a pro-rated refund. Improper transfer of permits will result in revocation and summons.
For further information, please call 973-635-0674 extension 214.
If you live on a street that has time limit parking, you may apply for a permit to park in front of your home. (This DOES NOT include overnight parking 139-08). Individuals wishing to apply for a resident permits can either pick up an application on the Main Level, room 205, of the Borough Hall at 54 Fairmount Avenue, Chatham, New Jersey, 07928,or call (973) 635-0674 extension 214 to have one mailed, emailed or download the parking application.
The Chatham Borough homeowner is required to surrender the permit to the Utilities Clerk when they no longer reside within Chatham Borough. Permits are not transferable from homeowner to homeowner. If there is a change of address within the Borough, the resident is required to file a new application with the updated information but does not have to obtain a different permit.
There is no limit to the number of vehicles you can register, but a copy of the registration and insurance card for each vehicle must be provided. All vehicles in the program must be registered to the permit holder and proof of residency in the form of a current utility bill in the permit holder's name must also be included.
There will be a one-time administrative fee of $10.00 for each parking permit.
The completed and signed application, (no copied, scanned or emailed applications will be accepted or processed), required documents, your payment and a self-addressed stamped envelope can be mailed to the Borough Hall located at 54 Fairmount Avenue, Chatham, New Jersey, 07928, to the attention of the Utilities Clerk. The completed documents can also be returned in person during normal business hours in the Finance Office located on the Main Level, room 205 of the Borough Hall at 54 Fairmount Avenue, Chatham, New Jersey, 07928.
When all of the documents have been received, they will be forwarded to the Parking Enforcement Officer who will review and verify the documents. If the documentation is incomplete, the documents will be returned to the applicant along with a letter explaining what needs to be corrected or added.
The completed documents will be forwarded to the Chief of Police or his/her designee for approval and the parking hang tag will be mailed out.
The Borough does not accept credit or debit cards, payment accepted by cash or by check only. If you are paying by check, please make it payable to the "Borough of Chatham".
Permits are to be hung from the rear view mirror, facing outward.
If the resident's primary vehicle is not available and another temporary, non-owned vehicle such as rental or loaner vehicle from a dealership is being utilized, the resident must notify the Chatham Borough Parking Enforcement Unit by phone at (973) 635-8000, extension 256 or email address parking@chathampd.org . The following information is required; the make, model and color along with the license plate number and state. (This helps us protect the integrity of the program and ensures that your permit was not stolen or being misused without your knowledge.)
For the purpose of this program, a caregiver is a paid helper who regularly looks after a child or a sick, elderly or disabled person.
Registration in the program is required if you wish to have a caregiver park on the street in front of a resident’s home in excess of the posted time limit parking restriction. (This DOES NOT include overnight parking 139-08).
A caregiver parking permit of a design specified and approved by Chatham Borough will be made available to Chatham Borough residents who must retain the service of a caregiver.
Permits will be issued for one year (January-December). In early November, individuals who already possess a caregiver parking permit will receive either by mail or email the application for the upcoming year along with a letter explaining the renewal process with an established return date. Failing to return the application and required documents will result in the loss of the permit.
There will be a one-time administrative fee of $ 10.00 for each parking permit. However, there is no charge for the annual renewal.
The resident must file an application for the caregiver parking permit. Proof of residency must be provided by the homeowner when applying for a caregiver parking permit. The following is acceptable proof of residency: a copy of a valid New Jersey Driver's License or vehicle registration with the homeowner's address within the Borough of Chatham. A post office box number will not be deemed proof of residency in order to qualify for the program. Home ownership does not qualify you for a caregiver permit. You must reside in the house.
The Chatham Borough homeowner is required to surrender the permit to the Utilities Clerk when the service is no longer being provided and the resident will be held responsible for any misuse of the permit. The permits are not transferable from homeowner to homeowner. If there is a change to the service provider, the resident is required to file a new application with the updated information, but does not have to obtain a different permit.
There is no limit to the number of vehicles you can register, but a copy of the registration and insurance card for each vehicle must be provided.
Individuals wishing to apply for a caregiver permit can either pick up an application on the Main Level, room 205, of the Municipal Building at 54 Fairmount Avenue, Chatham, New Jersey, 07928, or call (973) 635-0674 extension 214 to have one mailed, emailed or download the application by clicking on the link below.
If the caregiver is employed by a corporation, a contact name, address and phone number must be provided on the application.
The completed and signed application, (no copied, scanned or emailed applications will be accepted or processed), required documents, your payment and a self-addressed stamped envelope can be mailed to the Borough Hall located at 54 Fairmount Avenue, Chatham, New Jersey, 07928, to the attention of the Utilities Clerk. The completed documents can also be returned in person during normal business hours in the Finance Office located on the Main Level, room 205 of the Borough Hall at 54 Fairmount Avenue, Chatham, New Jersey, 07928.
When all of the documents have been received, they will be forwarded to the Parking Enforcement Officer who will review and verify the documents. If the documentation is incomplete, the documents will be returned to the applicant along with a letter explaining what needs to be corrected or added.
The completed documents will be forwarded to the Chief of Police or his/her designee for approval and the parking hang tag or yearly validation sticker will be mailed out.
The Borough does not accept credit or debit cards, payment accepted by cash or by check only. If you are paying by check, please make it payable to the "Borough of Chatham".
Permits are to be hung from the rear view mirror, facing outward.